HERE I LISTED SOME BEST MOVIES BASED ON SERIAL KILLINGS... 1.Anniyan (Stranger) Ramanujam iyengar alias  Ambi  is an orthodox Brah...



1.Anniyan (Stranger)

Ramanujam iyengar alias Ambi is an orthodox Brahmin and a straightforward protection advocate living in Tripliicane, Chennai. expects everyone to follow the law and prosecutes those who violate it. However, his efforts fail as circumstantial evidence always seems to favour the accused. He also fails to raise civic awareness due to pervasive corruption and a general lack of seriousness.

Frustrated at his inability to bring about a change in society, his suppressed anger manifests itself in an alter ego named Anniyan, a grim reaper themed serial killer who punishes corrupt and indifferent people. Anniyan creates a website, compiles a list of wrongdoers from his site, and kills them using punishments described in the Garuda puranam one of the ancient Hindu scriptures.

Ambi is secretly in love with his neighbour Nandini, an aspiring carnatic singer but never expresses his love due to his fear of rejection. When he proposes to her during the annual Tyagaraja aradana at Thiruvaiyaru, she rejects him as she cannot bear his strict adherence to rules. Distraught, Ambi attempts suicide, almost drowning himself before having second thoughts. Subsequently, he develops another personality named Remo, a fashion model.

Nandini is smitten by Remo and falls in love with him. Their marriage is eventually fixed. While purchasing a plot of land for her dowry, Nandini decides to undervalue the property to evade stamp duty. Ambi, who accompanies her as she registered the property, refuses to help her. Later, when Nandini and Remo are on a date, Remo transforms into Anniyan and attempts to punish her for her corrupt act. As he is about to kill her, Nandini calls out for Ambi.

Anniyan then reverts to Ambi, who collapses and loses consciousness. Nandini takes Ambi to NIMHANS where he is diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Through recovered-memory therapy, the chief psychiatrist of the hospital uncovers Ambi's past. It is revealed that, when Ambi was fourteen years old, he witnessed the accidental death of his younger sister Vidya due to civic apathy. The incident left a deep emotional scar, which is the reason for his lofty ideals.

It is also discovered that while Anniyan and Remo are aware of Ambi as a separate person, Ambi is oblivious to their existence within him. The psychiatrist declares that Remo will cease to exist if Nandini accepts Ambi's love, but Anniyan will cease to exist only when the society reforms. Nandini accepts Ambi's love and Remo disappears.

Meanwhile, DCP Prabhakar and Sub-inspector Chari, who is Ambi's friend, investigate the murders committed by Anniyan. In disguises, they discover clues left behind by Anniyan, which are the names of the punishments he meted out to his victims. Prabhakar is determined to bring Anniyan to justice as one of Anniyan's victims, Chockalingam, an errant catering contractor with the Indian Railways, was his elder brother.

In a dramatic publicity stunt, Anniyan admits to the murders he committed when he appears amidst the public and the press at the Nehru Stadium. He explains the rationale behind them and says that only when every Indian is responsible and sincere will the country prosper on a par with developed nations. His methods draw both praise and criticism. Prabhakar tries to catch Anniyan, but he escapes.

On investigating the recorded footage, Prabhakar discovers that Anniyan is Ambi and arrests him. Ambi is brutally interrogated and almost killed, triggering Anniyan's reappearance. Ambi's personality alternates between Ambi and Anniyan, resulting in ambiguity. He subdues Prabhakar as Anniyan, but begs for mercy as Ambi. Using CCTV, Chari secretly records the interrogation and uses it as evidence of Ambi's condition during his trial. Ambi is sentenced to psychotherapy in a mental hospital and will be eligible for release when cured.

When Ambi is released two years later, his rigid adherence to protocol has diminished. He marries Nandini. While travelling on a train during their honeymoon, he notices a man (an electrician who was indirectly responsible for his sister's death several years ago) drinking amidst fellow passengers. Suffering a relapse, he transforms into Anniyan and throws the man off the train, killing him. However, he hides the incident from Nandini, indicating that he has successfully blended his personalities into one instead of eradicating them.

2.Wrong turn.

College students Rich Stoker and Halley Smith were rock climbing deep in a remote forest of West Virginia. When Rich reaches the top, he prepares to help Halley up, but is suddenly murdered. Someone then begins to yank Halley up the cliff so she cuts the rope and falls to the ground before attempting to escape but before she rushes to the car, she trips over a piece of barbed wire and then gets pulled back into the woods, screaming.

Medical student Chris Flynn (Desmond Harrington) drives through the mountains of West Virginia on his way to a business meeting, but a chemical spill in the road ahead forces him to take a different route. After being distracted for a moment, he collides with another car that is stopped in the middle of the road since its tires have been punctured by a piece of barbed wire. The car belongs to a group of college students on a camping trip: Jessie (Eliza Dushku), Carly (Emmanuelle Chriqui), Scott (Jeremy Sisto), Evan (Kevin Zegers) and Francine (Lindy Booth).
Evan and Francine stay to watch the cars as the others go to find help. Soon after, both of them are murdered by unknown attackers when they investigate the woods. Meanwhile, the others find an isolated cabin and go inside to use the phone. After looking around for a moment, they are horrified to find human body parts. They quickly attempt to escape but are instead forced to hide inside when they see the family returning home. Three disfigured cannibalistic mountain men "Three Finger" (Julian Richings), "Saw Tooth" (Garry Robbins) and "One Eye" (Ted Clark) enter the cabin, bringing Francine's dead body. The four silently watch in horror as her body is messily dismembered and then eaten.

Hours later after the cannibals fall asleep, they quietly attempt to escape. However, Saw Tooth awakens, alerts the other cannibals, and begins to chase them through the forest. The group climb up to a nearby clearing where they find hundreds of cars that belonged to the family's previous victims.

When the cannibals arrive, Chris distracts their attention so the others can run for help, but he is shot in the leg by Saw Tooth, leaving Scott to distract them instead, and he gets away. The girls help Chris into their truck and quickly drive down a nearby path to pick up Scott. They find him, but as he runs to the car, Saw Tooth kills him with arrows and takes his body back to their cabin.

Chris, Jessie and Carly reach a dead end and have to continue on foot. They stumble upon an old watchtower and find a radio inside, which they use to call for help, but do not get a response. Later, they see the cannibals armed with torches searching at the foot of the watchtower. The radio starts responding to their call, alerting the cannibals. Unable to get inside, the cannibals set the tower on fire to try and burn the group alive, but they escape by jumping out of the window into a nearby tree. As they hide, Three Finger catches Carly and decapitates her. Chris and Jessie successfully set up a trap to throw Three Finger off the tree and escape.

After escaping, Chris and Jessie hide in a cave near a waterfall until the next morning. Just as they find a road out of the woods, the mountain men find them, pushing Chris down the hill and taking Jessie back to their cabin. Chris survives the fall and meets a police officer, but before Chris is able to convince the police officer of what is happening, the man is shot in the eye with an arrow.

 Chris attempts to drive away in the police truck, but cannot find the key, so he instead hitches a ride underneath the truck as it is driven back to the cabin by Saw Tooth, where Jessie is tied to a bed and gagged. As she is about to be killed, Chris drives through the building and runs into One Eye. Three Finger, who survived the fall off the tree, then arrives to help his brothers. Chris unties Jessie and they fight the cannibals together. They escape and Chris manages to kill the cannibals by blowing up their cabin with a shotgun. Chris and Jessie drive out of the forest with the cannibals' pickup truck.

The credits are interrupted by a scene showing a deputy sheriff investigating and picking over the remains of the destroyed cabin. Three Finger, who survived the fall, rises to attack the deputy. His insane laughter is heard, as the credits continue to roll.

3.sawaari (Rides)

The film starts with a murder mystery. The main plot deals with how an Assistant Commissioner of Police is in the pursuit of finding the psycho killer. There is a sub plot of the film that talks about a harmless driver who aims to deliver a car on time from Chennai to Nellore but ends up getting into a tangle.

The movie starts with a police investigation of a triple murder that is suspected to have been done by a psycho serial killer. The investigating officer, Solomon (played Benito Franklin Alex) is about to get married the next day and tries to take a break by subordinating the investigation. On a parallel side, Ravi (Karthik Yogi) is on the road to deliver a car (a Contessa classic 1990 model) to a superstitious MLA at Nellore. Solomon’s car breaks down and he hitch hikes with Ravi. The rest of the story revolves on how the psycho killer is identified in the road trip they take from Chennai to Nellore.


Adam, a photographer, awakens in a bathtub in a large dilapidated bathroom, and finds himself chained at the ankle to a pipe. Lawrence Gordon, an oncologist, is similarly shackled across the room, and between them is a corpse holding a revolver and a microcassette recorder. Each man has a tape in his pocket, and Adam is able to retrieve the recorder. Adam's tape urges him to escape the bathroom, while Lawrence's tape tells him to kill Adam by six o'clock, or his wife and daughter will be killed and he will be left to die. Adam finds a bag containing two hacksaws inside a toilet tank; they attempt to cut through the chains, but Adam's saw breaks and he throws it at the mirror in frustration, revealing a hidden camera behind the mirror. Lawrence realizes that the hacksaws are meant for their feet and identifies their captor as the Jigsaw Killer, whom Lawrence knows of because he was a suspect five months before.

Flashbacks show that while Lawrence was discussing the terminal brain cancer of a patient, identified as John by an orderly named Zep Hindle, with his medical students, he was approached by Detectives David Tapp and Steven Sing, who found his penlight at the scene of a Jigsaw "game", of which at least three have been investigated. Lawrence's alibi clears him, but he reluctantly agrees to view the testimony of the only known survivor, a heroin addict named Amanda Young, who believes Jigsaw has helped her from a "reverse bear trap".
Meanwhile, Alison and Diana Gordon are being held captive in their home by Zep, who is watching Adam and Lawrence through a camera behind a two-way mirror in the bathroom. The house is simultaneously being watched by Tapp, who has since been discharged from the force. Flashbacks show that Tapp became obsessed with the Jigsaw case after hearing Amanda's testimony, and eventually found Jigsaw's warehouse using the videotape from her game. He and Sing entered the warehouse, where they apprehended Jigsaw and saved a man from a drill trap, but Jigsaw escaped after non-fatally slashing Tapp's throat, and Sing was killed by a quadruple shotgun walkway while pursuing him. Convinced that Lawrence is Jigsaw, Tapp began stalking him after his discharge.
In the bathroom, Lawrence finds a box containing a lighter, two cigarettes, and a one-way cellphone. He then recalls his abduction: he was trying to use his phone after being trapped in a parking garage, and was suddenly attacked by a pig-masked figure. They try to use a cigarette dipped in the corpse's blood, which is in fact cyanide, to stage Adam's death, but the plan fails when Adam is zapped through his ankle chain. Adam then recalls his own abduction: he was in his photo development room when the power went out and, after finding a puppet, was attacked by a similar pig-masked figure.

At gunpoint, Alison calls Lawrence and tells him not to trust Adam, who admits that he was being paid to take photos of Lawrence, many of which were in the hacksaw bag. Adam also reveals his knowledge of Lawrence's affair with one of his medical students; Lawrence had been with her before he was abducted. Lawrence realizes from Adam's description that Tapp was paying him. Adam finds a photo that he didn't take, of a man staring out a window of Lawrence's house, whom Lawrence identifies as Zep. Unfortunately, the clock then strikes six as he realizes this.
As Alison, who managed to free herself, calls Lawrence at gunpoint again, she fights Zep for the gun. The struggle gets Tapp's attention, and he saves Alison and Diana and chases Zep to the sewers, where he is eventually shot in the chest during a struggle. Lawrence, aware only of gunshots and screaming, is zapped as well and loses reach of the phone; in desperation, he saws off his foot and shoots Adam with the corpse's revolver. Zep enters the bathroom to kill Lawrence, stating that "It's the rules", but Adam, who suffered only a flesh wound, overpowers Zep and bludgeons him to death with the toilet cover.

As Lawrence crawls out of the room to find help, Adam searches Zep's body for a key and finds another microcassette recorder, which reveals that Zep was another victim, following the rules of his own game to obtain an antidote for a slow-acting poison in his body.The famous Hello Zepp plays in the background as the truth about Zep is revealed. As the tape ends, the "corpse" rises and is revealed to be Lawrence's patient, John, the real Jigsaw Killer. He says the key to the chain is in the bathtub, which was drained when Adam awoke. John zaps Adam when he tries to shoot him with Lawrence's empty revolver, turns off the lights, yells "game over", and seals the door, leaving Adam to starve to death.

5.Oomai vizhigal Silent Eyes.

A group of college girls, driving a light blue matador, arrive at Chola Picnic Village. They book a hotel room by a picnic spot. At night they go out to the beach, light a bonfire, and enjoy singing and dancing. After the song ends, the girls return to the hotel. One of the girls, Vasanthi, separates from the group. She comes across a pi shaped bell stand, and rings it three times. A man, P.R.K, appears, riding on a carriage. He looks into her eyes, and rides Vasanthi down, grabbing her hair and kidnapping her.

The next scene shows Raja entering into the Chola Picnic Village. He takes some photos, and comes across the pi shaped bell stand. A beldam is found to sit below it, and he snaps a photo of her. Wandering farther, he finds a priest, and introduces himself as Assistant Editor for the Dhinamurasu Magazine. Raja asks about a girl's body, that four to five days ago, was found floating by the Picnic Village's beach. He says that the police reported the murder as a suicide, and that he would like some clarifications. The priest refuses to answer, and Raja takes a photo of him. Lakshmana, the younger brother of P.R.K, shows up, smoking a cigarette. Raja leaves.

Chandran is the editor of the Dhinamurasu Magazine. He and Raja develop the photos and Chandran asks Raja how he is getting such sensational news. Raja tells Chandran he has a source in the suspect's house. Her name is Uma, and she is a stenographer. The suspect is none other than MLA Saanthanathan. The phone rings in the MLA's house and Velu asks Uma to answer the phone. She picks up the phone and says that a person named P.R.K wants to talk with MLA. Uma overhears their conversation through her phone. P.R.K tells Sattanathan that an editor came to Picnic Village to enquire about the girl's death. Saanthanathan says that he will take care it.

The next morning, Chandran receives a phone call at his office from an inspector who asks why the newspaper is carrying on an unnecessary investigation. Chandra tells him to mind his words.

Vijay, a friend of Raja, joins the magazine. Raja and Vijay stay in Devi's house for rent. The next day, Raja brings Uma's blind father and leaves in her house. There Devi is found seating.He says to her that in two-three days he wants some clarification's regarding the Picnic Village. Vijay-Devi and Raja-Uma were fall in love together. When the birth day of Uma, she was killed by MLA in front of Raja. The case is sent to DSP Deenathayalan for investigation.
Then the scene shifts to a newly married couple, Ramesh and Shanthi, honeymooning at Chola Picnic Village. They spend the time merrily, but during that time they are being watched by the beldam. By the time Maamarathu poo song finishes, it becomes night and when the couples are involved in romance in the hotel room, P.R.K comes and makes karthik fall down unconscious. Then Shanthi escapes from the village, where she is being helped by passerby whose car suddenly stops. When P.R.K opens the gate of the village and approaches her to kill her the car starts and that passerby admit her at a hospital. He also informs vijay about a girl who was coming undressed from the village and he has admitted her in a hospital. By the time raja arrives there,one of Sattanathan's people go there to kill Shanthi. He hide in shanthi's room to kill her.

Raja comes there in time and he is stabbed by that thug. Raja also kills that thug and brings Shanthi to DSP's house and dies there. Vijay gets disheartened on seeing this. Then Peter, Ramesh, and Vijay all join hands in order to know the reason why P.R.K does this. After this P.R.K gets everyone and chains them. He also reveals that he loved someone, especially her eyes but she cheated, so he wanted take eyes from the girls he see, actually Beldam is his step mother who gives him info about the girls. At last DSP gets to know about this and punishes everyone. Ramesh and Shanthi rejoin thus making the end of silent eyes.


In an unnamed American city, soon-to-be-retiring detective William Somerset is partnered with short-tempered but idealistic David Mills, who recently transferred to the department, moving to the city with his wife Tracy. Mills introduces Somerset to Tracy, after which Somerset becomes her confidant. Tracy is unhappy with the city and feels it is no place to raise a child. She discloses to Somerset that she is pregnant and has yet to inform her husband. Somerset sympathizes with her, having a similar situation with his ex-girlfriend many years earlier, and advises her to tell Mills only if she plans on keeping the child.
Somerset and Mills investigate a pair of murders. The first victim is an obese man forced to eat until his stomach ruptured. The second was a wealthy defense attorney who died from both fatal bloodletting and the removal of a pound of flesh. At each crime scene, the murderer leaves behind clues for the detectives, including a single word: gluttony at the obese man's home and greed at the attorney's office.

Somerset recognizes them as part of the seven deadly sins and realizes the murders are related. Other clues lead them to a possible perpetrator's apartment. There, they find another victim, a known drug dealer and child molester, strapped to a bed, barely alive and emaciated, with a series of pictures indicating he had been tied to the bed for an entire year. The word sloth is scrawled on the wall. The photos also indicate the killer has been planning these deaths for some time.
Somerset and Mills identify a man named John Doe, who has checked out several library books on the deadly sins. Doe flees when they go to his apartment, and Mills gives chase. Doe eventually corners Mills and holds him at gunpoint, but after a few moments, turns and escapes. At Doe's apartment, they find hundreds of handwritten journals showing Doe's apparent psychopathy, and clues leading to a fourth victim.

They arrive too late to prevent the death of the victim, a prostitute killed by an unwilling man forced by Doe to wear a bladed S&M phallic device on his genitals and to rape and kill her while severely traumatizing him. They find lust written on the door. They are alerted to their next victim, an attractive young woman, presumably a model, whose face has been mutilated by Doe; she was given the option to call for help and be disfigured, or to commit suicide by taking pills. She chose suicide. The word pride is written on her wall.

Shortly after, as Somerset and Mills return to the police station, they are approached by a man covered in blood, surrendering himself. Mills recognizes him as Doe and arrests him. They discover Doe has been removing the skin on his fingers to avoid leaving behind prints; the blood on him is from a yet-to-be-identified victim. Doe, through his lawyer, advises there are two more victims and offers to take the detectives to them and confess to all the murders, but only under very specific terms, or he will otherwise plead insanity. Somerset is wary, but Mills agrees.

The two detectives, following Doe's directions, drive him to a remote desert location. Within minutes, a delivery van approaches them. Mills holds Doe at gunpoint while Somerset goes to intercept the driver, who had been instructed to bring a box to them. As Somerset recovers the box and sends the driver away, Doe begins telling Mills about how jealous he is of Mills' life and marriage to Tracy, antagonizing Mills. Somerset opens the box, and in horror, tells Mills to stay back and not listen to Doe. Doe continues to taunt Mills as Mills frantically asks what is in the box.

Doe reveals that he was so jealous of Mills that he killed Tracy, her death being a result of his envy, and that her head is in the box. Doe tries to goad Mills into vengeance, to become wrath and shoot him. Somerset desperately tries to convince Mills not to shoot Doe, but then Doe reveals that Tracy was pregnant. The revelation is too much for Mills and he shoots Doe six times. Doe's death completes the seven sins. Police converge and take a devastated Mills away. The police captain reassures Somerset that Mills will be taken care of. When asked by the Police Captain where he will be, Somerset hints that he will not retire.