CHRISTIANITY, 1) Many will come in the name of Christ and deceive many (Matt.24,5; Mark 13,6; Luke 21,8). 2) There will be wars a...



1) Many will come in the name of Christ and deceive many (Matt.24,5; Mark 13,6; Luke 21,8).

2) There will be wars and rumours of wars between nations and kingdoms (Matt.24, 6-7; Mark 13,7-8; Luke,21,9-10).

3) The first sorrows will be in the form ofcalamities: 'famines, pestilences and earthquakes in divers places', fearful sights and great signs from heaven (Matt.24,7-8; Mark, 13,8; Luke 21,11).

4) Orthodox Christians will be delivered up, killed and hated by all nations (Matt.24,9; Mark 13, 9-11; Luke 21,12-15).

5) Everywhere men will hate and betray each other (Matt.24,10; Mark 13,12-13; Luke 21,16-17).

6) Many false prophets will appear and deceive many (Matt.24,11).

7) On account of abundant iniquity (evil deedsand unrepented sin), the love of many will grow cold. Only those who endure to the end will be saved (Matt.24,12-13; Mark 13,13; Luke 21,19).

8) The Gospel will be preached throughout the world 'for a witness untoall nations' (Matt.24,14; Mark 13,10).

9) After this Jews will become Orthodox Christians (Romans 11,25-28).

10) Preparations will be made for the coming of Antichrist, called the son of perdition and the beast. Preceded by false prophets and false signs and wonders, Antichrist will be a master of illusion, of 'shock and awe', taking away people's freedom, but making them think that they have been freed. He will persecute the true servants of Christ with rage and fury. The Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt for him to be enthroned there in the place of Christ - hence his name 'Antichrist', he who comes in the place of Christ (Matt, 24,15-24; Mark 13,14-22; 2 Thess.3-11;1 John 2,18; Rev.13,1-8).

11) Signs will appear in the heavens, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, the seaand the waves will roar and the powers of heaven will be shaken (Matt.24,29; Mark,13,24-25; Luke 21,25-26).

12) The sign of the Son of man (the Cross) will appear in the heavens and then will take place the Second Coming of Christ with power and great glory. Angels will be sent and shall gather the elect together 'from the four winds' (Matt.24,30-31; Mark 13,26-27, Luke 21,27).


There are a number of major signs of the end of days in Islam. There is debate over whether they could occur concurrently or must be at different points in time, although Islamic scholars typically divide them into threemajor periods. Also Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of God turned to us and said, “O emigrants, there are five things with which you will be tested, and I seekrefuge with God lest you live to see them.

1.Sexual immorality appears among people to such an extent that they commit it openly except that they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases unknown to their fore fathers.

2.They cheat in weights and measures (business, trades, etc.) and that they will be stricken with famine, calamity, and the oppression of rulers.

3.They with hold charity from their wealth and that rain will be with held from the sky, and were it not for the animals there would be no rain at all.

4.They break their covenant with God and His Messenger and God will enable their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands.

5.And unless their leaders rule according to the Book of God and seek every good from that which God has revealed, God will cause them to fight one another.”



Even though more food is produced now than ever before, many people never have enough to eat. Why? Because they don’t have enough moneyto buy food or land on which to grow it. More than a billion people have less than one dollar a day to live on. The World Health Organization says that millions of children die each year, mainly because they don’t have enoughfood to keep them healthy.



An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as aseismograph.The magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported on the Richter scale, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptibleand magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity ofshaking is measured on the modifiedMercalli scale.

At the Earth’s surface,earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground.Many powerful earthquakes are now expected every year. Since the year 1900, over two million people have died because of earthquakes. And although technology has helped to detect earthquakes earlier thanbefore, many people still die.

Jan. 12, 2010: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti killed an estimated 316,000 people.

Dec. 26, 2004:A massive 9.1-magnitudeearthquake in the Indian Ocean left 227,898 people dead or presumed dead. About 1.7 million people were displaced by the earthquake.

May 12, 2008:A 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan, China, killing 87,587 and injuring about 375,000. More than 45.5 million people in 10 provinces and regions were affected and more than5 million were left homeless.

Oct. 8, 2005:A 7.6-magnitude earthquakein Pakistan killed 80,361 andinjured morethan 69,000. Deaths and damage were also reported in India and Afghanistan.

Dec. 26, 2003:A 6.6-magnitude earthquake killed at least 31,000 peoplein southeastern Iran, injuring 30,000 and leaving 75,600 homeless.


A landslide is a disaster involving elements of the ground, including rocks,trees, parts of houses, and anything else which may happen to be swept up. Landslides can be caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruptions, or general instability in thesurrounding land. Mudslides or mudflows, are a special case of landslides, in which heavy rainfall causes loose soil on steep terrain to collapse and slide downwards.

Chungar, Peru This happened in 1971. 200 people died.Nebukawa, Japan This happened in 1923. 200 people died.Sichuan Province,

China This happened in 1981. Over 240 people died.Darjeeling, India This happened in 1980.250 people died.

Hauncavelica Province, Peru This happened in 1974. 200 to 300 people died.

Goldau valley, Switzerland This happened in 1806. 500 people died.

Rio De Janeiro, Btszil This happened in 1966. 550 people died.

Chiavenna Valley, italy This happened in1618. 2,240 people died.

Khait, Tadzhikistan USSR This happened in 1949. 12,000 people died.

Kansu, China This happened in 1920. over 180,000 people died.


Wildfires, or forest fires, are uncontrolled fires burning in wildland areas. Common causes include lightning, human carelessness, arson, volcano eruption, and pyroclastic cloud from active volcano. The can be a threatto those in rural areas and also to wildlife. Wildfires can also produce ember attacks, where floating embers set fire to buildings at a distance from the fire itself.


A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land, a deluge. It is usually due to the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, exceeding the total capacity of the body, and as a result some of the water flows or sits outside of the normal perimeter of the body. It can also occur in rivers, when the strength of the river is so high it flows right out of the river channel , usually at corners or meanders.

The 2000 Mozambique flood, caused by heavy rains followed by a cyclone, covered much of the country for three weeks, killing thousands, leaving the country devastated for years afterwards.

In June 2001, floods fromTropical Storm Allisonkilled over 30 people in theHouston, Texas, area.

In 2002, Glasgow flood Glasgow,Scotland, causing severe damage.

In 2002, The European flood Central Europe, causing major damage.

Flooding in Mumbai,India, in July 2005 left over 700 dead. Some areas went under 5 m of water.

Between June 2010 and August 2010,flooding in China affected more than 230 million people – with 15.2 million people evacuated and thousands dead.

The floods that occurred in Chennai dueto the heavy rain fall of northeast monsoons in 2015 is considered one ofthe major disasters in the state of Tamil Nadu. It occurred from November end till the mid of second week of December.


A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, large meteorite impacts comet impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generatea tsunami. A tsunami is not thesame thing as a tidal wave, which will generally have a far less damaging effect than a Tsunami.

On December 26, 2004, an earthquake released close to 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs mount of energy from beneath the Earth's surface. This unleashed a series of killer waves across the Indian Ocean that traveled as fast as a jet airliner. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake was the largest magnitude earthquake in 40 years and the tsunami it generated traveled as much as 3,000 miles to Africa. About 229,866 were found dead and one-third of the death toll were young children who were not strong enough to fight against the force of the waves.


A volcanic eruption is the point in whicha volcano is active and releases lava and poisonous gasses in to the air. They range from daily small eruptions toextremely infrequent supervolcano eruptions (where the volcano expels at least 1,000 cubic kilometers of material.) Some eruptions form pyroclastic flows, which are high-temperature clouds of ash and steam that can travel down mountainsides at speeds exceeding that of an airliner.

Pinatubo June 15, 1991 Three evacuation zones were drawn up around the peak, and by the time the major eruption happened, some 66,000 people had been evacuated. Some 850 people were killed in the eruption.


Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns of air which can blow at speeds between 50 and 300 mph, and possibly higher. Tornadoes can occur one at a time, or can occur in large tornado outbreaks along squalllines or in other large areas of thunderstorm development.Water spouts are tornadoes occurring over water in light rain conditions.

The tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, on May 22, 2011, killed 158 people and injured more than a thousand. The storm packed winds in excess of 200 mph and was on the ground for more than 22 miles.


Hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and typhoons are different names for thesame phenomenon: a cyclonic stormsystem that forms over the oceans. It is caused by evaporated water thatcomes off of the ocean and becomes a storm.The Coriolis Effect causes the storms tospin, and a hurricane is declared when this spinning mass of storms attainsa wind speed greater than 74 mph. Hurricane is used for these phenomena in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans, tropical cyclone in the Indian, and typhoon in the western Pacific.

Hurricane Irene (2011) This category 1 storm was the first of its kind to hit the United States since Ike in 2008. It killed 56 people, flooded New York City.

Hurricane Sandy (2012) category 3 storm at its peak in Cuba, Hurricane Sandy would continue its devastation on the East Coast of the United States, killing a 233 people.

In mark 13:32 we read "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the father".
In Islam the time only known to God.
So the end of the world no one knows so live your life as yourself but don't lose your humanity...