Lambert’s have just moved into a new house. Renai (Rose Byrne) quit her job to focus on music and raise the kids, but the latter is proving to be more time-consuming than expected. There’s boxes to unpack, a baby who won’t stop crying and a husband (Patrick Wilson) who’s becoming increasingly distant. Josh assures her nothing’s wrong, but something feels off. She knows it.
She just can’t put her finger on what. Unfortunately, that proof comes by way of a terrible accident. Oldest son Dalton (Ty Simpkins) goes exploring in the attic and lands on his head. Apart from a few bumps and bruises,he initially seems fine but fails to wake up the following morning.
He’s rushed to the hospital where the puzzled doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. He’s not in a coma. He just won’t wake up.Renai wakes up all the time. Anonymous eyes seem to be upon her. Something is inside the house. It’s sporadic at first, but after Dalton, still in his non-coma, is movedback home, the strange incidents start becoming more noticeable.
Doors open in the middle of the night, alarms go off and there’s weird whisperings on the baby monitor. Tired, scared and fed up, the Lambert’s once again move to a new house, but their exodus only makes things worse. Bloody handprints are found on Dalton’s bed and faces appear in the windows almost nightly. After Josh’s mother witnesses a horrifying red-faced figure herself, she recommends the couplephone her old friend Elise (Lin Shaye).
In preparation for her visit, Elise sends a two-man team of demon hunters to inspect the authenticity of the haunting claim. Scanning the ceilings for poisonous fumes to weed out the hallucinators and yelling at Josh for taking action figures out of their boxes, the Mutt and Jeff pair serve as a strange and wonderful precursor to their boss, who over-emphatically concludes there’s an epic problem at hand.
Dalton is an astral traveler. He leaves his body at night to voyage into the further, a sketchy realm where dead souls congregate, reliving horrors and coaxing the living into abandoning their Earthly bodies. There, he’s been taken prisoner by a devil-looking psychopath who climbs walls, listens to old wind-up music and wants to inhabit his body to embark on a murderous rampage.
Ghost real or not?
If you believe in ghosts, you're not alone. Cultures all around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live in another realm.Most people believe in ghosts because of personal experience; they have seen or sensed some unexplained presence. Personal experience is one thing, but scientific evidence is another matter.
Part of the difficulty in investigating ghosts is that there is not one universally agreed-upon definition of what a ghost is. Some believe that they are spirits of the dead who for whatever reason get "lost" on their way to The Other Side.
In my concept ghost are true because myself experienced ghost in my life.
mechanism of how people get possessed will be better understood with the analogy of a castle being attacked and under siege in the olden times. The castle’s defence systems included its walls, its archers and the food it had in its granaries to wait the enemy out.
The enemy that had laid siege would patiently wait outside the castle, trying to weaken them by starving them out or through use of psychological tactics. The enemy would pounce on every opportunity to find a breach in the castle’s defence systems. This whole process could take a lot of time. However, once the castle was breached, the enemy would concentrate on expanding the breach and taking control of the castle.
This is pretty much the same way how ghosts possess a person and take control over him. The targeted person is just like the castle in the above analogy and the enemy represents the ghost.
Length of time it takes to get possessed As explained above, the act of possession can happen in a few seconds or over a period of few months. It primarily depends on two factors:
1.Vulnerability of the person being possessed. This means vulnerability at a physical or mental level.
2.Comparative spiritual strengthof the ghost and the person targeted for possession. Ghosts cannot attack or possess a person with 10% more spiritual strength than their own. Ghosts of higher spiritual strength can possess a person of lower spiritual strength very easily. Spiritual strength is obtained through spiritual practice.
Creating the environment for demonic possession weakening the castle's defences.
The ghost first makes the surroundings of the person that it has targeted to be possessed favourable for the act of possession to take place. It creates or takes advantage ofsituations that destabilise the mind thereby weakening the person. These situations could be at the physical or mental level.
At a physical level, ghosts can cause or take advantage of problems such as skin rashes or making babies cry all night, so that their parents suffer from sleeplessness. They take advantage of the resultant vulnerability to create an entry point.Taking advantage of personality defects such as anger, fear, emotional nature etc. They aggravate these personality defects thusadding to our vulnerability.
The higher our personality defects,Putting negative thoughts, creating doubts about oneself and others, instigating depression, causing fights in a household. The incorrect thoughts planted in a person by the ghost make the person misbehave.So, either through physical problems or mental problems, ghosts destabilisea person’s mental balance and therebycreate vulnerability.
Once the weakness is being displayed by the person, the ghost makes its move. The following are a few points wherein a ghost finds it conducive to make an entry into the person’s consciousness. If the personality of the possessed person is weak, the ghost can possess the person at any time. A person is very vulnerable when overcome by desires, passions or being in an emotional state.
At this point of time, there is a lack of togetherness and control between the various bodies i.e.the subtle-body and the gross body. In this state, any ghost can take control of that person.If the possessed person has a strong personality, the ghost has to await an opportune moment. For example, a ghost can possess an otherwise honest person only when he has even a fleeting dishonest thought.
Weak link between the subtle and physical bodies Ghosts can possess easily when the sheath of the gross body is separated from the mental sheath, e.g. in dream state, state of despair etc. In some cases, this can happen even in a meditative state. Only a higher level ghost can take advantage of the subtle-body being separated from the gross body during meditation.
Transition times It has been observed that ghosts are most active during the transitory times like the twilight zone between day and night, the new moon day and full moonday between the waxing and waning phases of moon,eclipses, etc. These are periods with highest likelihood of people being possessed.
Ghosts are also most active between 12.00 to 2.00 a.m. At this time, the environment is highest. The ghosts start their spiritual practice at this time to acquire spiritual strength and black energy.
Creation of a centre (consolidation of the breach)
A ghost facilitates possession or control of a person through black energy. Black energy is a spiritual negative/harmful type of energy. The ghost sets up shop in a person through something known as a ‘centre’. It stores its black energy in this ‘centre’. The place that the ghost chooses as a ‘centre’ is typically a vulnerability in the person.Most of the time, a ghost first makes its centre in the gross body, as it absorbs black energy the easiest.Generally, this is any point in the body afflicted by an illness where there is a localised which results in an illness. For example, an inflamed joint, an asthmatic lung, a personality defect of anger etc., becomes a prospective place for a ‘centre’ of the ghost.The ghost infuses black energy into the physical or mental vulnerability and firmly establishes it as the centre.
A creation of a proper centre can take a ghost many years. Through a centre, the ghost goes on to progressively transmit black energy throughout the rest of the mind and intellect.
Taking control.
Symptoms of a person affected by a ghost.