JOURNEY TO THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND Seventeen-year-old Sean Anderson is caught by the police after a brief chase on his dirtbike which en...



Seventeen-year-old Sean Anderson is caught by the police after a brief chase on his dirtbike which ended with him driving into a swimming pool while trying to evade them. Minutes later, his step father Hank arrives where a police officer who is friends with Hank tells him that Sean has illegally broken into a remote satellite research center, and that he has talked Mr. and Mrs.McGillicutty out of pressing charges.

Hank takes Sean home where his mother Elizabeth is not pleased with his actions and/or the fact that he and Hank don't get along well.Hank discovers that Sean trespassed the satellite research center in order to boost the signal of a code Sean received from someone he suspects is Alexander Anderson, Sean's grandfather who had been missing for two years.
Wanting to bond with his stepson the next day, Hank helps Sean decipher the code of Jules Verne characters which lead to three books:Treasure Island,Gulliver's Travels, and Verne's own Mysterious Island. Using the books' individual island maps, Hank suspects they are books of the same island and uses a back light in order to make them all one completed land mass with the coordinates to its location.

Hank manages to convince Liz to let both of them go in search of the island, in slight hopes of proving Sean wrong, that there is no so-called mysterious island there.They arrive in Palau where they need transportation to travel to this dangerous part of the ocean. A Palau an helicopter tourism guide Gabato and his daughter Kailani who Sean develops an immediate crush on, agree to fly them out to the island for $3,000, but the helicopter gets caught in a category 5 hurricaneand they crash into the Pacific, waking up on the island.
Crossing into the island, they discover one of the laws of the Mysterious Island is that,all animals big are small and all animals small are big.

The crew discover tiny elephants and giant butterflies, which are the first creatures they come across on the island. The group decides to explore further into the island. After leaving that part of the island they come across an egg clutch belonging to a Giant Frilled Lizard, they are then saved by Sean's grandfather Alexander who takes them to a large hut he'd built from the wreckage of the ship that brought him to the island called the Blue-Eyed Lucy.

He has a working radio, but due to the positioning of the communications satellite it would be two weeks before they could call for help.The next morning, Alexander leads the group to the lost city of Atlantis which is usually submerged in the ocean and he also calculates that the island sinks once every 70 years. However, the sea water appearing from the ground is the evidence that Alexanders' calculations are wrong, and that the island will sink in a couple of days.

Their only means of salvation seems to be the legendary Nautilus CAPTAIN NEMOS SUBMARINE, hidden somewhere on the island. Kailani enters Nemo's crypt and finds his journal, which has the where abouts of the ship in a cave at Poseidon's Cliffs. They decide to go to that cave through the heart of the island.

They mount giant bees in order to fly over a high ridge and make up time, but encounter large birds that try to devour the bees. After saving Kailani's life, Sean crashes and dislocates his ankle. Hank and Alexander later patch up Sean's ankle the best way they can. Afterward, they have a good moment when Hank sings his rendition of "What a Wonderful World" to ease Sean's pain.

The next morning, the water has risen greatly and Hank deduces that the island will sink in a matter of hours, not days. Gabato is missing having gone toward the island's golden volcano in search for the funds to give his daughter a better life. While Alexander and Kailani go after him, Sean and Hank head for Poseidon's Cliffs to look for the Nautilus.

Alexander also finally calls Hank by his preferred name, as up to that point he only called him "Henry" and the family makes up.To deal with the rising water after finding the Nautilus' cave underwater, Sean and Hank make makeshift oxygen tanks and dive down fifty feet in order to obtain the Nautilus and are nearly killed by a giant electric eel.

They are unable to power the ship however because the vessel's batteries being 140 years old have run down.
They find a way to power the submarine from the electric eel's electricity.Meanwhile, Kailani and Alexander find Gabato and convince him to escape with them instead of trying for the golden volcano.

They head towards the shore as the island begins to suddenly and violently rip itself apart. The golden volcano starts to erupt violently, pouring lava flows all over the area. Highly flammable lava bombs are thrown from the golden volcano into the air and suddenly land on the sinking island's debris. Sean and Hank use a harpoon to get an electrical jump start from the electric eel swarming around them and they are able to power the machine, just in time to pick up the others who had fallen into the water.

Gabato pilots the submarine out of harm's way while Hank and Sean fire torpe does into the path of falling island debris. As they clear the dangers, Kailani finally kisses Sean for his bravery.Six months later, Kailani and Gabato are well off. Gabato is now running the most popular tourist attraction on Palau providing tours aboard the Nautilus and Kailani is attending college.

Kailani goes to visit Sean on his birthday. While they are celebrating, Alexander shows up with a book for Sean's birthday present. Sean opens it to find Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, Alexander's suggests for a new adventure with the family, to which Liz protests. Hank replies "What could possibly go wrong? It's only the moon! "During the credits, the mini-elephants from the earlier scene are swimming underwater over Atlantis.

But the helicopter gets caught in a category 5 hurricaneand they crash into the Pacific, waking up on the island.
I hope this explains the mysteries behind BERMUDA TRIANGLE OR DEVILS TRIANGLE



The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the north western Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared. Some people have claimed that these disappearances fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. Some of these disappearances have been attributed to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings by popular culture.

Though a substantial documentation exists showing numerous incidents to have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have gone on record as stating the number and nature of disappearances to be similar to any other area of ocean, many have remained unexplained despite considerable investigation


In 1964,Vincent Gaddis wrote in the pulp magazine Argosy of the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle: Three vertices, in Miami, Florida peninsula, in San Juan,Puerto Rico, and in the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. Subsequent writers did not necessarily follow this definition. Some writers gave different boundaries and vertices to the triangle, with the total area varying from 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km2(500,000 to 1,510,000 sq mi).

Consequently, the determination of which accidents occurred inside the triangle depends on which writer reported them.
The United States Board on Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle.This is a list of incidents attributed in popular culture to the Bermuda Triangle.


1945: December 5,
Flight 19 (five TBF Avengers) lost with 14 airmen, and later the same day PBM Mariner Bu No 59225 lost with 13 airmen while searching for Flight 19.

1947: July 3,
According to the Bermuda Triangle Legend a B-29 Super fortress was lost off Bermuda. Lawrence Kunsche investigated and found no reference to any such B-29 loss. In fact the aircraft loss was that of a Douglas C-54 which was lost in a storm off the Florida coast. Ironically a B-29 was lost in the vicinity of Bermuda-on November 16, 1949 a B-29 was lost in the Atlantic; 2 crewmen were missing but on November 19, 1949 18 survivors were rescued 385 miles northeast of Bermuda.

1948: January 30,
Avro Tudor G-AHNP Star Tiger lost with six crew and 25 passengers, en route from Santa Maria Airport in the Azoresto Kindley Field,Bermuda.

1948: December 28,
Douglas DC-3NC16002 lost with three crew and 36 passengers, en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami.

1949: January 17,
Avro Tudor G-AGRE Star Ariel lost with seven crew and 13 passengers,en route from Kindley Field,Bermuda, to Kingston Airport,Jamaica.

1962: January 8,
A USAFKB-5051-0465 was lost over the Atlantic between the US East Coast and the Azores.

1965: June 9,
A USAF C-119 Flying Boxcar of the 440th Troop Carrier Wing missing between Florida and Grand Turk Island.The last call from the plane came from a point just north of Crooked Island, Bahamas, and 177 miles from Grand Turk Island. On July 18, 1965 debris from the plane was found on the beach of Gold Rock Cay just off the north eastern shore of Acklins Island.

1965: December 6,
Private ER Coupe F01 lost with pilot andone passenger, en route from Ft. Lauderdale to Grand Bahamas Island.

2005: June 20,
A Piper-PA-23 disappeared between Treasure Cay island of Bahamas and Fort Pierce of Florida. There were three persons on board.

2007: April 10,
A Piper PA-46-310P disappeared near Berry Island. Only the pilot was on board and no passengers.


USS Pickering, on course from Guadeloupe to Delaware, lost with 90 people on board. {Possibly lost in a gale}

USS Wasp (1814), last known position was the Caribbean, lost with 140 people on board. {Possibly lost in a storm}

USS Wild Cat (1822), on course from Cuba to Tompkins Island, lost with 14 people on board.{Note lost in a Gale with 31 on board}

Rosalie, found abandoned except for a canary.{Possibly the "Rossini" found derelict?}

USS Cyclops, collier, left Barbado son March 4, lost with all 306 crew and passengers enroute to Baltimore, Maryland.

January 31,Carroll A. Deering, five-masted schooner,Captain W. B. Wormell, found a ground and abandoned at Diamond Shoals, near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

1925: 1 December,
SS Cotopaxi, having departed Charleston, South Carolina two days earlier bound for Havana,Cuba, radioed adistress call reporting that the ship was sinking. She was officially listed as over due on 31 December.1941:USS Proteus (AC-9), lost with all 58 persons on board in heavy seas, having departed St.Thomas in the Virgin Islands with a cargo of bauxite on 23 November. The following month, her sister ship USS Nereus (AC-10)was lost with all 61 persons on board, having also departed St. Thomas with a cargo of bauxite, on 10 December.

According to research by Rear Admiral George van Deurs, USN, who was familiar with this type of ship from their service in the USN, the acidic coal cargo would seriously erode the longitudinal support beams, making these aging and poorly constructed colliers extremely vulnerable to breaking up in heavy seas.They were both sister ships of the USS Cyclops.

SS Marine Sulphur Queen, lost with all 39 crewmen, having departed Beaumont, Texas, on 2 February with a cargo of 15,260tons of sulphur. She was last heard from on 4 February, when she was in rough, nearly following seas of 16 feet, with northerly winds of 25-46 knots, and listed as missing two days later. The Coast Guard subsequently determined that the ship was unsafe and not sea worthy, and never should have sailed. The final report suggested four causes of the disaster, all due to poor design and maintenance of the ship.

SS El Faro, sank off of the coast of the Bahamas within the triangle on October 1, 2015.The boat was missing for exactly one month until search crews identified the vessel 15,000 feet below the surface.


Great Isaac Lighthouse(Bimini,Bahamas) - its two keepers disappeared and were never found. (A hurricane passed through at the time of the disappearances)


Most of the legends are purely factious myths. Even though this is an area of great tragedy and mystery some of the points to be noted are: Amateur Sailors: The coast guard here gets more than 8000 distress calls a year that is more than 20 a day. Most are sailors are people who have run out of gas or have encountered any foolish problem. This area is highly deceptive in its calmness, so the sailors are not prepared to face what the sea can come up with.

The Gas Bubble Theory:
The high concentration of methane gas hydrates exists in this area causing the water to be much less denser within small patches. This could make a ship sink like a rock.

Tropical Weather:
This is an area of regular unpredictable storms. Many short and intense storms build up quickly and dissipate quickly which is undetected by satellite surveillance. These also have very dangerous elements like water spouts that can easily destroy any passing ship or plane.

Underwater Earthquakes:
Even though none has been officially recorded the scientists have found a great deal of seismic activity in this area. This can cause Tsunamis which are very destructive.

The Gulf Stream:
This ocean current is very strong and is reported to move faster than 5 mph in some areas. This is more than enough to throw the boaters hundreds of miles off course as they do not know how to compensate for the current. This along with the unusual effects of magnetism on this area can mislead the sailors.

This is an area where pirates regularly pass through untouched by most of the proposed theories. It can be the work of the pirates as the reason for the lost ships.

Here are the mysteries are unknown untill we get a possible reasons in this case.